Overview: Target Groups

  • Obstacles and distractions on the way striving for surgical excellence
  • Close your gaps of relevant background-knowledge with the support of THE IONM ACADEMY
  • "The STAR" - Program: Your way to the stars with THE IONM ACADEMY
  • Medical disciplines the 
  • Offers for all kinds of demands, phases in life, stages in training, challenges:
    • Medical director, leader of the department, leader of a unit, team-leader
    • Senior doctors with high demands
    • Ambitious, focussed junior doctors in training
  • Offers for biomedical technicians
  • Growing together - stay connected



Competence for Safety Safety for Excellence

Obstacles & distractions

on your way striving for surgical excellence

Obstacles - a familiar part of daily life in surgery

  • Need for background-knowledge about brain- and nerve-sparing surgical techniques. You perceive this as an open flank to be crossed. This knowledge was only partly part of your medical training so far.
  • Individual differences in anatomic situs you detect intraoperatively
    You don't like these kind of "suprises". Thus, you need to master situations like these in spite of preoperative diagnostic options on a daily bases. Intraoperative neuromonitoring is scientifically proven the only option to minimize these kind of insecurities. 
  • Uncertainty in applying intraoperative neuromonitoring 
    You want to elimination these non-mastered skills you don't appreciate when it comes to surgery.
  • Uncoordiniated team in the operating theatre and at the operating table
    These distract your focus on the surgical procedure. You prefer to fully concentrate, especially, when it comes to save brain and nerval function and leave these impaired! Reduced concentration opens the door widely for intra-operative lesions you try to prevent.
  • Weak surgical all-over-strategy
    All the factors mentioned increase the probability of lesions of brain and nerval structures intra-operatively. Even if you have the best plan preoperatively - what counts is the ability to implement your strategy which you can't when you meet all these obstacles!
  • Reduction or loss of function and increased complication rates, negative surgical outcome:
    These put pressure on you and are obstacles on your way to surgical excellence you are striving for. Thus, you want to adjust and regulate every screw possible, optimize procedures and perfectionalize your surgical over-all strategy.

Download here your "Essentials for Success in Surgery" Checklist 2, ESSC 2!

Analyzewhich 6 + 3 obstacles distract you most on your way striving for surgical excellence!

Feel welcome learning !

No matter which phase in life, which age, sex, gender or professional reality:

You want to enlarge your surgical procedures. You want to perform brain- or nerve-sparing surgical procedures applying intraoperative neuromonitoring, neurostimulation, neuromapping - so far it was only partial part of your medical training.

No matter ...

  • whether you perform these procedures,
  • you thoroughly informed patients prior to operations about possible complications,
  • you refer patients to surgical experts,

at THE IONM ACADEMY you are always welcome learning!

Medical Disciplines

Holistical surgical approaches are important to us. In case of demanding surgical procedures they ensure smooth and frictionless interdisciplinary cooperations!

Thus, we took the challenge, to provide offers for all medical, surgical disciplines, in order to ease multi-disciplinary team-cooperation during surgery when it comes to demanding and complex surgical procedures. 

Medical disciplines this learning-program is designed for:

  • Surgeons: Visceral Surgery, Endocrine Surgery, Aortic and Vascular Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Urology, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Ear Nose and Throat Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Hand surgery, Traumatologie, Orthopedics
  • Anesthesiologists, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Medicine Specialists 
  • Referring Doctors of patients undergoing where nerve- and brain-sparing surgical procedures are of relevance: family doctors, comprehensive medicine, internal medicine, neurology
  • Biomedical Technicians

Medical Directors

leaders of a department, unit responsible for a team

Support for building a Centre of Excellence! 

You are part of management and need to build a Centre of Excellence, which is to perform brain- and nerve-sparing surgical procedures, too!
Your challenge and task is quite complex: Which infrastructure do you need? Which setting needs to be built? How do you train your team? In which period of time does it need to be qualified? How do you guarantee safety for your patients until the team built its competence and safety of application of intraoperative neuromonitoring?
Your goal: leading Centre of Excellence to be with lowest post-operative complications!

Save time, meander and aberrations! Delegate and order your TTQ-Conept!
From vision to implementation - we are here for you! After analyzing your current situation, we make a professionally profound concept and accompany you and your team during the process of implementation and qualification!

  • time for your centre of competence,
  • safety of planning and
  • power for implementation

thanks to the tailor-made IONM Team-Training and Qualification-Concept (TTQ-Concept) of THE IONM ACADEMY !

In the first meeting, lasting one hour we analysze and gain facts relevant for the concept.
Then we tailor-made adjust the learning-bricks of THE IONM ACADEMY according to your Center of Excellence's and surgical team's needs.
2 weeks later we present the IONM TTQ-Concept in the second meeting, also lasting one hour.
Afterwards, we support you time-efficiently step by step by implementing knowledge, skills to achieve safety of IONM- application for nerve- and brain-sparing surgical procedures!

Senior doctors with high demands

  • You have finished your specialisation. You perform demanding surgical procedures.
  • You plan to do brain-/ nerve-sparing surgical procedures in patients and want to correctly apply intraoperative neuromonitoring, neue-stimulation, neuromapping.
  • You need relevant background-knowledge in order to apply IONM correctly and use it in order to adapt your over-all surgical concept and strategy intraoperatively according to the individual anatomical situs of your patient - especially in cases where you meet unclear or uncertain settings caused by disease or individual anatomical variations of the patient.
  • You want to minimize or exclude the risk of intraoperative nerval or brain lesions and as a consequence reduction or loss of brain or nerval function.

In order to increase your intra-operative competence and safety continously while applying during surgical procedures  THE IONM ACADEMY   offers hands on support:

Save your THE IONM ACADEMY - Coaching or THE IONM ACADEMY - Consulting-Unit!

We support you pre-, intra- and postoperatively and take care of the intraoperative neuromonitoring.
We make sure that the risk of postoperative complications is being minimized and reduced. If you are interested we also give feedback to the application of intraoperative neuromonitoring.

Ambicious, focussed junior doctors in training

  • You are ambicious and focussed and assist, accompany, prepare and treat patients for nerve-sparing surgical procedures pre- and postoperatively.
  • Thus, you start deepening in the topics relevant for correctly applying intraoperative neuromonitoring. 

Here you may acquire and enlarge basic and advanced useful and necessary background-knowledge during your training - step by step!

Biomedical technicians who want to specialize


You want to be a THE IONM ACADEMY - Coach , or THE IONM ACADEMY - Consultant  and support surgical teams nationally, internationally supporting with intraoperative neuromonitoring-expertise.

 Join us - we are pleased sharing our knowledge and expertise and provide insights!



Growing together - stay connected!

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